
Congratulations to Brother Brendan Buckles on his well-deserved promotion to Master Chief at the University of Florida ROTC program! 

Bunnell Lodge was proud to host April's District Association meeting!  We welcomed guest speaker Eliani Berman from Charlene's Dream / Cancer Hope and Healing Program 

W:.M:. Kellie Worley presents a donation check to Eliani Berman of Charlot's Dream.

 Happy Birthday to our esteemed April Brethren: Brothers Bowes, Fitting, Barker, and Yohe. 

Traveling brethren from Lake Lodge No. 72

R:.W:. Michael Fitting proudly presented a donation check to the chapter, demonstrating our commitment to supporting Masonic Youth.

W:.M:. Kellie Worley installing new ceiling lights in lodge room..

Brothers of Bunnell Lodge at work call installing new ceiling lights

R:.W:. Ted Barker and Brother Earl Higginbotham present Brothers Curtis Thompson and David Wilhite their MLT training certificates.

RWDDGM Ted Barker presents Most Worshipful Charles Yohe his milestone 50 Year Masonic Award

Craftsman and Brother David Wilhite presents RWDDGM Ted Barker one of his handmade wooden boxes for a successful year.

Richard Reyes Foundation receiving a check for the charity of the month from the 11th District Association

Shannon Mason accepting $415.00 for the Green Cove Bethal of JOBS Daughters from the 11th District Association from passing the hat. Very generous brethren! 

Congratulations Brother Brenten Lee Fox on becoming our newest Master Mason! Shout out to Cabul 116 or great courtesy work!

W:.M:. Kellie Worley presents W:. Robert Buckles the Lewis Jewel Award. W:. Buckles has raised two of his sons into Freemasonry

Congratulations to Brothers Kevin Campanaro and Zachary Halladay on becoming Entered Apprentices! Thanks to Ashlar Lodge No. 98 for the courtesy work. 

A traveling battle royale at Ashlar Lodge #98 where brothers from Cabul lodge and Bunnell lodge fight for the last remaining piece of 11. Bunnell Lodge won the piece! 

Brother of Bunnell Lodge amongst Brothers of the 11th Masonic District at Ashlar Lodge. Full House!

Ashlar Lodge, Dec 7 2023. 76 Master Masons were in attendance. A huge turnout for a Stated Communication!  

Pineland Lodge 86 F&AM and Ashlar Lodge #98 taking back their pieces of 11, much to W:.M:. Buckles dismay!

11th Masonic District receives temporary letter starting a DeMolay Chapter in honor of M:.W:. Robert D. Trump. 

Congratulations to Brother Lee Fox and all the brothers who were passed to the degree of Fellow Craft courtesy of Cabul Lodge No.  116. 

11th District DDGM R:.W:. Ted Barker addresses the room. 

W:. Jeffrey Smith introducing District 11 Lodges at the GMOV. 

W:.M:. Robert Buckles presenting Bunnell Lodges donations to M:.W:. Glen Bishop and the First Lady's Project. 

11th District DDGM R:.W:. Ted Barker and his wife Phoebe.

W:.M:. Robert Buckles, his wife Nichole, Lady Lynn Bird, and W:. Mike Filz at the head table. 

Brothers of Bunnell Lodge attending the GMOV. 

District 11 brethren and family listen to M:.W:. Glen Bishops message during his official visit to Putnam Shrine Club.

The traveling brothers of Ashlar Lodge show off their acquisition of the Traveling Ashlar from Bunnell. Good job Brothers!

Brothers of Bunnell Lodge pitched in for a work call to give our lodge a little overdue TLC

The Brothers of Bunnell Lodge have once taken home the Traveling Gavel at the Sept Association Meeting. Way to go brothers!

Bunnell Lodge No. 200 hosted 58 Brothers from around the district who battled for traveling awards. It was awesome to see so many visiting brothers travel to Bunnell!

Bunnell Lodge No. 200 donated and handed out $500.00 worth of headphones to Bunnell Elementary School students. 

Bunnell Lodge takes the Traveling Ashlar  from Ashlar Lodge No. 98.

The brothers of Bunnell Lodge No. 200 helped Miss Joyce celebrate her 92nd birthday. 


Bunnell Brothers receiving award for competing in State Competition Team.


Bunnell Lodge received an award for 2021-2022 contributions to LYPMGC. Great job supporting this effort Brothers!


R:.W:. Ted Barker presents W:. Jeffrey Smith a Meritorious Recognition Award for Masonic Education. 

Great fun and fellowship at Cabul Lodge No. 116. Bunnell Lodge collected a few traveling awards

Bunnell Lodge No. 200 retrieving their home piece of 11 along with the Melrose piece from Pineland Lodge No. 86. 

11th District Association members Ted  Barker, Gregory Jasmin and Michael Filz presenting a $500 scholarship award


11th District representing Bunnell Lodge at St. Johns Day Winter Park Lodge. Grand Master R:.W:. Don Cowart, W:. Michael McMillan and DDGM R:.W:. Ted Barker.

15 Bunnell Brothers took the Traveling Gavel at the June District Association Meeting at Hastings Lodge No. 183. It was a great turn out and productive meeting.  

Birthday Brothers MW Yohe, RW Fitting and RW Barker

194th Grand Lodge in Orlando, FL

Officers of Bunnell Lodge present at Grand Lodge

Newly Raised Master Masons TJ Bratcher, Kenneth Rucker and Chris Alexander

Brother Martz and Alexander teamed up to do housekeeping on the lodge exterior.  

Brother James Blanton receives his 25 Year Award

11th District Degree Team receiving award for 1st place 

R:.W:. D.I. Gregory Jasmin and   R:.W:. Ted B Barker

Brothers of the 11th Masonic District at the 194th Grand Lodge